I would ask a few questions of any potential replacement for Biden:

• Will you close our Southern border to illegal entry? Preferred answer - yes.

• Will you stop discrimination against anyone to counter past discrimination to others?

Preferred answer - yes.

• Will you protect women's sports and rights to privacy from men?

Preferred answer- yes.

• Will you stop the chemical and surgical mutilation of children as recommended by the UK's Cass


Preferred answer- yes.

You are hired.

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Apart from a high self evaluation that I have not yet decided is accurate, this author is interesting

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Glad to see that you are on Substack. I look forward to reading your articles.

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Here I am again commenting on Compass, this time on the budget proposal. Much more sensible than the alternatives though I think the likely outcome is just to ride the bomb down and there is indeed a doomsday machine waiting.

I wanted to mess around with the model but it wouldn't open probably because I refuse to pay a monthly rental to Microsoft and have an outdated version. I think you could save an earlier version(s) in your site.

Couple of caveats. The BLS statistics are cooked and have been since Bush 1. The cooking has been institutionalized and is accelerating. Shadow Statistics gives a more realistic picture. There is really no such thing as corporate tax. Corporations just collect the tax which is passed along to consumers, accelerating inflation. Or it hits their bottom line leading to off-shoring which contradicts one of your main points. Tariffs also cause inflation but have a more positive impact on industrial policy. So where would I get the tax revenue you need. Give the left their carbon tax but the tradeoff is abolishing the income tax altogether. This would also cause inflation but would provide an offset to consumers. Since the left hates dynamic scoring, they would miss that taxing something generates less revenue.

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Thinking of subscribing but want to see more content both here and at American Compass first, given the costs.

Since there seems to be no way to comment over at AC, even with a subscription, this would be my platform for commenting in both places if that is OK with you.

I will comment on your Electric Slide article. You are absolutely right about the battery supply chain problem but there is a more fundamental problem-electricity. The same people that are mandating EVs are not only strangling mining but also the generation and distribution of electricity. You note the long time lag that it takes to bring a mine on line, now try a power plant, especially nuclear.

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We have evolved beyond any fixes no matter how sensible. I agree with your perceptions but it is just demographic groups switching sides similar to what happened in the Civil Rights revolution. Now the working class, including many minorities are trending Republican while the clerisy and the oligarchs trend Democrat. This will not fix the divisions, merely move the borders. Meanwhile, we live not only in different politics but different realities.

For me, the key thing is to realize that the United States is not viable. America probably is. The United States is not united and the States have no meaningful role. Half the country would just as soon get rid of the other half and it is reciprocal. Anybody trying to rule the entire US is going to fail, perhaps bloodily. So it is time for the National Divorce. Both sides have their vision of America rooted in their reality and it is time to give them the chance to try without war or oppression.

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This is the kind of thing Americans want to believe so it might be a great way to get elected. I can't help but get a sinking feeling this was what America needed 20+ years ago but by now the rot is simply too deep. I'm not sure what stable communities or responsive power government can provide when leveled against the supercharged capitalism that tech companies are quickly implementing. It won't matter much if nominally workers have power but machine learning and robots can steal the common inheritance of knowledge/skill and rebrand it as property of capital. If your "new economic thinking" is the best answer we have the average person will quickly be dispossessed and quaint national ideals replaced by the whims of the owners of Google, Microsoft and Nvidia.

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What we need to do is to reshape our society so that it fits the human material that actually exists; making it into one in which anyone, regardless of race of cognitive ability, who works hard and plays by the rules can realistically look. forward to a rich and fulfilling life. What might such a society actually look like in practice? How might it be achieved within a democratic capitalist framework?


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